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LGBTQ+ Health & Wellness Resources

The University Health Center is committed to providing caring, quality, and confidential services to our campus community, inclusive of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We work to provide affirming health and wellness services, so you can be treated well and stay well.

To meet the health and wellness needs of all campus community members, the University Health Center offers many programs and services, such as: 

Select appointments may be made via the web at or by phone at 301-314-8184 Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pm. Same-day appointments are limited. The scheduler will ask you some specific questions to help us match you with the best clinician for your appointment and to ensure that we have sufficient time to address your most pressing needs and concerns.

Book and appointment

For many folks, talking to a healthcare provider about your health and body can be intimidating. You may be asked questions that can be difficult to discuss, such as your family health history and your own health history and behaviors, including use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, sexual behavior, and interpersonal violence.

You might feel uncomfortable answering some questions or unsure how the provider will respond to your concerns. However, being able to communicate with your healthcare provider about your health and concerns is critical for them to provide you with the highest quality and most accurate care. Your healthcare provider should be able to give you straightforward, nonjudgmental feedback and guidance about your body and wellness, but they have to start with the whole picture! We hope to cultivate a space where you feel comfortable sharing, where your concerns are heard, and your needs are met. If this is not the case, please let us know how we can do better by using our feedback form.

All UHC services are confidential by law. See Confidentiality for details.

Lots of people get nervous and their minds go blank in health care situations, so it may be helpful to prep a little. You can make the best use of your time by writing down questions and bringing them to your visit.

Maintaining copies of your health information is a good way to take ownership of your body, well-being, and health care. Keep a record of what happened at each visit plus anything you want to follow up on.

Our electronic medical record system has a place in your file to note your “sex”, “gender identity” (which includes: male, female, transmale, transfemale, transgender, gender non-conforming, and other identity not listed), and “sex assigned at birth.” Your provider or appointment scheduler can work with you to utilize these fields to best represent your affirmed identities. This is very important to reduce the chance of an insurance claim being rejected. If you are confused about this process, please ask your provider to clarify what is on file to ensure more effective insurance coverage.

The University Health Center can initiate hormone therapy and provide medical management for patients on stable hormone regimens. This is a specialty service that is offered to undergraduate and graduate students.

If you are seeking assistance with transgender health care services or appointments (i.e. hormones) or affirming your gender in our clinical spaces, please call Penny Jacobs at 301-314-8190.

Single stall, gender-neutral lockable restrooms are located in all of the hallways on the first and second floors of the Health Center and are indicated by the sign below.

 Gender-specific multi-user restrooms are centrally located on the ground floor and second floor.

HIV Prevention Medication

PrEP is short for pre-exposure prophylaxis. PrEP is taking prescription medicine daily before coming into contact with HIV. This, in combination with safer sex practices, can help lower the chance of getting HIV infection. PrEP is only for HIV-negative adults at higher risk of getting HIV. Find more information about PrEP at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Wondering if PrEP is right for you? Schedule an appointment with one of our medical professionals at MyUHC or call 301.314.8184.

PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) means taking medicine to prevent HIV after a possible exposure. PEP must be started within 72 hours of possible exposure to HIV. Contact the UHC right away (within 72 hours) if you think you've been recently exposed to HIV:

  • during sex (for example, if the condom broke),
  • through sharing needles, syringes, or other equipment to inject drugs
  • if you've been sexually assaulted

The sooner you start PEP, the better. During a visit with a UHC provider, you may be prescribed PEP, and you'll need to take it daily for 28 days.  For more information about PEP, please call the UHC at 301.314.8184.