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How to be a Great Supervisor

We have learned over the years that there are definite approaches to supervision and managing employees that work better than others. Of course, schools offer degrees in this area, so we have cornered the market on "what works".

The following are tips, some of which were generously borrowed from Dr. Elliott Jaffa, which describe characteristics of great managers. We chose these because they make sense to us based on the kinds of situations we have seen at UMCP and the effectiveness that these approaches appear to produce.

Characteristics of Great Managers

It is only through these relationships that the second priority "getting the work out" can be accomplished.

This helps build their self-confidence and self-esteem. It also goes a long way in helping to build the relationship between the two of you (see above).

How to Be a Better Listener Using Active Listening Techniques

  • Stop Talking This is usually much harder than you think
  • Relax the Person Ask them to sit down, make them comfortable, exhibit inviting body language
  • Don't interrupt - use silence
  • Empathize by reflecting their feelings. Do not say: "I know how you feel." Do say: "It sounds like this makes you frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, etc."
  • Paraphrase - repeat back to them what you heard them say
  • Ask open ended questions. Prompt them to continue speaking with who, what, where, why questions. Talking is therapeutic.

Remember you are supposed to be the adult, which removes your luxury of being able to react emotionally to situations.

They are able to express confidence and to infuse their employees with the same hope and confidence about their abilities to get the job done.

A difficult and time-consuming task, but always worth the time put in up front. Not only will employees learn how to do their job better, but it also communicates your interest in them.

The biggest mistake that new supervisors make is to think that they have to do it all themselves. This usually drives those employees you supervise crazy. 

See above. There is no way to solve a problem unless you understand it. Make sure to get input from as many people as possible within the department, because there will be as many different views as there are people.

Saying "I don't know" or "I made a mistake" goes a long way. Your employees know when you have anyway, so why not be human and admit it?

Be careful about preferential treatment. It tends to be a blind spot for many of us.

It is a shame how many good and productive employees we lose on campus every year because they were infuriated over seeing some employees do nothing -- and be allowed to get away with it! There is no one to blame in that situation other than the supervisor.

Negotiating Conflict at Work

This is an area that has received a lot of attention lately due to an increase in expressed frustrations within the workplace, and the knowledge that there are effective techniques to address differences. We have seen an increase in "workplace complaints" that have come to the FSAP in the past five years. Our approach is to sit the parties down together and attempt to mediate the personal and/or work-related concerns. There are many resources on campus that offer services to supervisors for handling workplace difficulties. In addition to the FSAP, there are Ombuds Officers for Faculty, Staff and Graduate Students which can conduct retreats and work with departments on larger-scale problems. See the table below for contact information.

Supervisors should not feel that they are alone in addressing any on going concerns. The easy way out is to ignore the problems, however, this only postpones more trouble down the road. Be pro-active and address workplace concerns and conflict. Your employees will appreciate the effort.

Organization Contact Website
Staff Relations 301.405.5651
Center for Leadership & Organizational Change 301.405.5249
Excellence in Supervision

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