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Occupational Health Policies and Resources

Faculty, staff, and students engaged in research or working in a laboratory setting may utilize Occupational Health Services (OHS) for pre-placement evaluation, medical surveillance, exposure incident evaluation and maintenance of laboratory staff occupational health records. 


Printable wallet cards for emergent occupational exposures

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with B. anthracis and may have come into contact via direct and indirect contact of skin with cultures and contaminated laboratory surfaces, accidental parenteral inoculation, or exposure to infectious aerosols.


Download & Print This Wallet Card


Please Note: This card should be carried at all times and presented to medical personnel in the event of exposure.  It is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with B. fragilis and may have come into contact via accidental parenteral inoculation; direct contact of mucous membranes (or wounds, cuts on skin); or skin penetrating animal bites. 


Download & Print this wallet card


Please Note: This card should be carried at all times and presented to medical personnel in the event of exposure.  It is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with B. burgdorferi, and may have come into contact via accidental parenteral inoculation and exposure to infectious aerosols.


Download & Print this wallet card


Please Note: This card should be carried at all times and presented to medical personnel in the event of exposure.  It is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases.

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with enterohemorrhagic E. coli, and may have come into contact with the bacteria via accidental ingestion or percutaneous exposure. 


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with non-enterohemorrhagic E.coli, and may have come into contact with the bacteria via accidental ingestion or percutaneous exposure.


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with Francisella tularensis, and may have come into contact via direct contact of skin or mucous membranes, percutaneously, ingestion, or inhalation.


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with Hepatitis A and may have come into contact via accidental ingestion of biological samples (feces, blood) infected with HAV or percutaneously. 


Download & Print this Wallet Card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with HIV, and may have come into contact via needlestick, contaminated sharp objects, and/or direct contact of non-intact skin or mucous membranes with HIV-infected specimens/tissues. 


Download & Print this Wallet Card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with HPAIV and may have come into contact via inhalation of virus from aerosols generated when aspirating, dispensing, or mixing virus-infected samples from infected animals; or potential percutaneous exposure. 


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with lentivirus and may have come into contact via direct contact with nonintact skin or the eye, nose, or mouth; accidental parenteral injection; or inhalation of droplets at close range (risk of airborne or ingestion exposures unknown).


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with Leptospira, and may have come into contact via ingestion; accidental parenteral inoculation; direct contact of skin or mucous membranes with cultures or infected tissues or body fluids (especially urine); or inhalation of aerosols of contaminated fluids. 


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TB) and may have come into contact with the bacteria through exposure to infectious aerosols generated during manipulation of cultures or while handling infected animals; or through contact with mucus membranes, accidental parenteral inoculation, or ingestion of TB-containing material. 


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with Neisseria meningitidis and may have come into contact via accidental parenteral inoculation, exposure of mucous membranes to infectious droplet nuclei or aerosols, or ingestion. 


Download & Print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

The individual carrying this card works in a laboratory with Rabies and may have come into contact via infectious droplets and aerosols containing rabies virus. 

SPECIAL HAZARDS: Fixed tissue preparations can still be infectious, so extreme care is needed when handling them. 



Download & print this wallet card


Note: This card is intended to be informational and should not substitute for clinical presentation and provider judgment of individual clinical cases. 

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