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ADHD Treatment

The Behavioral Health Service at the University of Maryland Health Center provides support to help students struggling with ADHD symptoms. If you have a local medication prescriber we encourage you to continue receiving care from that prescriber. If you do not have a local prescriber, we will assist you in locating appropriate resources.

To begin, please call 301.314.8106 to schedule an ADHD informational phone call.

The Behavioral Health Service requires documentation of ADHD diagnostic evaluation and treatment provided by the previous treating physician or other licensed professional. Medical records are required.

Accepted Documentation:     

  • a copy of Neuropsychological assessment
  • a copy of a psychoeducational assessment

Unaccepted Documentation:

The following items are considered inadequate documentation of ADHD diagnosis and treatment and will not be accepted at BHS: 

  • Summary letters from prior prescribers
  • prescriptions
  • pill containers
  • parent notes or any other similar notations of previous ADHD diagnosis

Students approved to be seen must complete their informational phone call and do the following prior to making their first appointment:

  • Send in all copies of valid documentation
  • Complete a drug screen in the Health Center
  • Complete ASSIST Marijuana survey

Evidence of early childhood symptoms is typically necessary for the diagnosis of ADHD. Attention and concentration concerns can be key components of many health conditions. We can help identify these issues and may make a referral for ADHD testing if your symptoms can not be better explained by other health concerns.

If you are already receiving medication for ADHD, we strongly encourage you to continue to receive medication from your treating clinician. If this is not possible and you meet the criteria for evaluation, please contact us for further assistance. 

We have limited group therapy available for students with ADHD who are seeing a provider at the University Health Center.  

Limited individual therapy services may be offered for a short term. Assistance will be offered to find an off-campus therapist after sessions are complete.