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Women's Health

Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate women as well as faculty and staff are eligible for Women's Health Services. Women's Health is staffed by physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants who are trained in the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of healthy patients as well as those with common problems. 

Regardless of your gender identity, if you have a uterus, vagina, or breasts, we encourage you treat them to routine wellness exams and problem focused care when needed.

Free Emergency Contraception and Pregnancy Tests

Emergency Contraception (EC) reduces the chance of pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Common situations in which EC could be used include forgetting to take several birth control pills in a row, having a condom break or slip off, or not using a birth control method during sex.

Free emergency contraception and free pregnancy tests are available at the Health Center Pharmacy


Free EC @ UMD FAQ's


A 21-day Interactive Guide to help Lower Your Cannabis Tolerance and Re-Establish Balance.

Alcohol and Other Drug Policies

Alcohol Policies

Wellness Tips for Resident Assistants

Please Note: Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully provides some guidance regarding small tweaks in practice that can have a big impact.

Wellness Tips for DFSL Student Leaders

Please Note: Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully provides some guidance regarding small tweaks in practice that can have a big impact.

Wellness Tips for UNIV 100 Instructors

Please Note: Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but hopefully provides some guidance regarding small tweaks in practice that can have a big impact.

Effective Communication

Occupational Health Consultations

Occupational and reproductive hazard consultation is a service provided by the University of Maryland School of Medicine Division of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 

The Reproductive Hazard Consultation service is intended to serve lab employees at the University of Maryland College Park. The objectives of the reproductive hazard evaluation program are to:

Workers Compensation

Workers’ Compensation is the Maryland State statutory insurance program that provides medical and hospital treatment, partial income replacement benefits, and additional benefits to employees who sustain work-related injury or illness. Learn more on the Department of Environmental Safety, Sustainability and Risk webpage.

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