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Meditation is a practice that invites us to slow down, breathe, and cultivate a greater awareness of the ways in which our body and mind can work together. 

Whether you’ve been practicing meditation for years, feel ready to try it for the first time, or find yourself somewhere in between - there’s a place for you here. 

Questions about meditation on campus, or your personal meditation practice? Contact Sarah Wilson or Olivia Mays.

Guided Meditation Sessions via Zoom 

Meditation practices at the University Health Center will explore a variety of meditative tools and techniques, all designed to cultivate self-compassion, mindful awareness, and the ease that can arise as you meditate. Meditation is a dynamic, diverse, and deeply personal practice, so we invite you to explore the various styles of meditation being offered through the University Health Center to see which styles resonate with you! 

No prior meditation experience is necessary! To join us on Zoom please use the registration link provided with the session description below. 

Session Information and Registration

These are free drop-in sessions, and you may attend as frequently as you like.

Tuesdays, 12:30pm-12:45pm

Sessions will explore breathing practices and various meditation styles, along with time for guided reflection. 

This session is for students, staff, and faculty and will begin Tuesday, February 4, 2025 and conclude on Tuesday, May 6, 2025. There will be no sessions when the University is closed.  

Note: Registering for Tuesday will give you one access link for all Tuesday sessions for the duration of the semester.


Tuesday Zoom registration

Fridays,  12:00pm-12:30pm

Sessions will explore breathing practices and various meditation styles, along with time for guided reflection. 

This session is for students, staff, and faculty and will begin Friday, February 7, 2025 and conclude on Friday, May 9, 2025. There will be no sessions when the University is closed.  

Note: Registering for Friday will give you one access link for all Friday sessions for the duration of the semester.


Friday Zoom Registration

Nature Based Meditation Sessions

Every Monday starting March 24th through May 12th

Join the University Health Center and Memorial Chapel for our Labyrinth Meditation Program. 

Meet at the Garden of Reflection and Remembrance at the Memorial Chapel for a guided meditation, mindful labyrinth journey, and a free lunch on a first come first serve basis. In the event of rain the program will be moved inside to the Garden Chapel. 


Click here to register


Sessions are led by Olivia Mays and Denise McHugh. For more information email Olivia and Denise at and

We look forward to seeing you there!

Join the University Health Center and the UMD Arboretum for an opportunity to participate in a guided hike and mindfulness exercise. This is a great opportunity to connect with nature and enhance your mindfulness practice.

For more information visit Nurture with Nature, or  email Olivia and Meg at and

To request a Nurture with Nature Trail Walk, please complete this Request Form

Our entire campus is a world-class arboretum, and a wonderful space to practice mindfulness, connecting deeper with yourself and your campus community. We invite you to spend time outside, and participate in a self-guided mindful moments walking tour. 

Brought to you by the Arboretum & Botanical Gardens, the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program, and the Health Promotion and Wellness Services of the University Health Center.

To learn more and begin your self-reflection journey, click here

Meditations for Your Class or Group

The Meditation unit offers meditation sessions by request. To schedule a session for your class, office, or group please complete this interest form

  • At least two weeks' notice is required. 
  • All meditation offerings for University of Maryland students are FREE. 

Please note: As of Summer 2023, we have moved to a new fee structure. When available,  by-request meditations for non-UMD students, community groups, and faculty/staff are available for a fee. A one hour meditation/mindfulness workshop and guided session is $80. Pending your preferred format (online via zoom or in-person), participant minimums and maximums may apply.


For an interview or consultation related to meditation please email Sarah Wilson at

Pre-recorded Meditation Sessions

Can’t make it to one of our weekly group sessions? Looking for on-the-go options? Enjoy pre-recorded meditations from our team, featuring instructors from both past and present.

Meditation Library

At the University Health Center we believe spiritual wellness involves seeking and having a meaning and purpose in life, as well as participating in activities that are consistent with one’s beliefs and values. It is more than prayer and believing in a higher being. A spiritually well person seeks harmony with the universe, expresses compassion towards others, and practices gratitude and self-reflection. When we integrate practices of spiritual wellness we are able to connect in mind, body, and soul.

For many, meditation is an important part of their spiritual wellness. 

Whether you are practicing a secular form of meditation, or one that is closely connected to your faith, meditation is a deeply spiritual practice and has the power to impact all dimensions of wellness.

The University Health Center practices a secular form of meditation, not connected to a religious practice, and we honor and respect the spiritual roots and traditions of this ancient practice. 

There is no single origin story of meditation. The practice of meditation has connections to India and Africa and appears in visual depictions and written scriptures dating back thousands of years. Many religions and spiritual practices have some form of meditation practice. 

To learn more about the spiritual roots of meditation we recommend connecting with the Memorial Chapel or a librarian at the University Libraries

Meditation is a specific practice with various spiritual and cultural origins, where an individual uses a technique such as loving kindness (also known as Metta), breathing, visualization, or others - to slow down the body and mind. Meditation often involves setting aside time to engage with the practice. For those new to meditation, we recommend starting with a small amount of time, anywhere from two to ten minutes, at any time of the time of the day, in a location where you can feel comfortable and supported. 

Mindfulness, on the other hand, is an overarching intention to pay attention in the moment. Mindfulness can be attached to a variety of physical, mental, or day-to-day practices. 

It’s important to note that neither meditation or mindfulness is a “cure-all” practice. Neither eliminate hardships, or systemic issues. Both, however, can be supportive wellness practices that can alter the way we approach certain situations. 

Scientific fields like psychology and neuroscience, for example, have helped us understand how the brain is affected by meditation practices. As we learn more about meditation we continue to discover more and more benefits, including, but not limited to: stress relief, mental health support, improved focus, enhanced sleep quality, increased creativity, and more. 

NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Meditation and Mindfulness: What You Need To Know

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Guide from the University

Insight Timer

Insight Timer has the world’s largest library of free recorded meditations.


Calm offers guided meditations, sleep stories, educational content, and nature scenes and sounds. This app contains free and fee-based services


Like Calm, Headspace offers a mix of recorded meditation and sleep sessions, along with a variety of educational content. This app contains free and fee-based services. You can also watch their video playlists on YouTube for free.

Meditation Minis

Meditation minis are short 5-12 minute guided sessions, available for download via their website, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or Spotify. 

University of Maryland Memorial Chapel and the Garden of Reflection and Remembrance. The Memorial Chapel is an interfaith space and among its many resources is the Garden of Reflection and Remembrance, which is an open space for meditation on campus. The Memorial Chapel also offers meditation programming throughout the year. 

Muse™ Biofeedback Headbands are available through the Counseling Center. Stop by the Counseling Center front desk with your UID to check out one of our headbands for up to 4 hours at a time!

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