We are so excited you are interested in bringing wellness & advocacy programming into your classroom or community space! Please see below for more information about our various presentation and program offerings, as well as how to get in touch with us for more information.

Health Promotion & Wellness Services

Health Promotion & Wellness Services provides wellness education and presentations to the campus community through our Wellness Tips & Toolkit platform. This platform empowers faculty, staff, and student leaders with the tools and resources they need to facilitate these conversations on their own in their varied spaces. 

Please email us at UHC-HPStaff@umd.edu if you have:

  • Questions about using these materials or how to best adapt them to your classroom or space.
  • Suggestions for how to make the  Wellness Tips & Toolkit  more helpful for you as an instructor or student leader.
  • Suggestions for additional topics you would like to see covered in the toolkit.
  • Requests for wellness-related tabling materials or event support. 
  • Requests for professional staff members to consult on a wellness-related program or presentation you are facilitating.
  • Requests for professional staff members to sit on a panel or be part of a more formal program or presentation through your organization or department.

If you are looking for one of our professional staff members to do a presentation (virtually or in-person) for your group, please note the following requirements:

Determining your goals: An introductory meeting with the requested professional staff member to:

  • Determine your needs and program goals associated with bringing in this speaker for this subject. If your goals are able to be met by Wellness Tips & Toolkit content, then we will encourage you to use that resource. 
  • Determine practical follow-up accountability goals (i.e. establishing a harm reduction plan in your chapter, promoting STI testing through course page or group email, establishing routine wellness check-ins with your group and protocols for follow-up/referral).

Scheduling: We require at least 2 weeks scheduling notice so that we can customize our programs to best meet your groups’ goals and objectives. Programs will be scheduled based on your preferred times and the availability of the professional staff member. 

Presentation Support: We ask that each instructor or group leader be a designated presentation support to encourage participation and engagement in this live program. The specifics of this support can be discussed in your introductory meeting. If the students are not interested in engaging, then using some pre-recorded materials in the Wellness Tips & Toolkit is better suited for your audience.

Follow-Up: About 4-6 weeks post presentation, groups are asked to provide an update regarding their accountability goals as well as any other change, progress, or impact to their group as a result of having the presentation. The specifics of this follow-up will be discussed and determined at the introductory meeting.